Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/321

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The Poetry of the Kiwai Papuans. 299

42. Dagurubo Abcfe mere dart mo abo dagitnibor (" People belong Abere pull him out abo [the short posts]." )

43. " Doxverc Abere mere darii)io saro dowerc. (" People belong Abere put him all post together.")

A new section of the song begins now.

44. Abere mere patora viiraro trie patora trie usnrigo demoivio patora trie." (" People belong Abere take usarigo [a kind of yam] belong garden, take all wood belong house make fast, make patora [a raft], water he run round patora, put kaikai [food] on top.")

45. Abere mere patora peito aude demoivio irie patora irie." (" People belong Abere bring aude [another kind of yam], put him zXong patora, water he run round.")

46. "Abere mere patora peito giromigo demoivio patora irie." (" People belong Abere bring giromo [a kind of banana], put him along patora, water he run round.")

The same is repeated with madego, awea, be7'ogo, oriomti, obirari, and gidara, all various kinds of banana.

While the raft is carrying the people away, the rope breaks, and they are all plunged into the water and begin to swim.

47. " Surama nio giro sarare ivoijiame." {" North-west wind he come, high sea, Abere swim along giro [in the shape of a fish, giroY' )

48. " Mercbo karisi merebo lomitiiri karisi merebo." (" Abere catch him shore along lomituri [in Dudi], he find him one fish, he kaikai [eats].")

49. " Pedeaturi kada)ne merebo." ("Along Pedeaturi Abere catch him one shell-fish, he kaikai!')

50. " Guv waea sosoro tama urioro." (" Abere leave him that giro [abandons the shape of a giro\ he go along waea [becomes a hornbill]." )

51. " Amura sosoro tama urioro" ("Abere leave him waea, he go along amura [bird-of-paradise]." )

Abere's people, floating on the remnants of the raft, are carried to and fro by the tide. Finally they come near a