Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/579

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Bran, Finn's hound, 103-4

Brand Committee, 10, 16, 11 1-9, 382

Brands used by the Chief Camel- Owning Tribes of Kordofan, by H. A. MacMichael, noticed, 280

Brasil, enchanted isle, 204

Bread : in charm, gipsies, 336 ; cures whooping cough, Ontario, 224 ; dough risen in warm bed, Herefordsh., 239 ; etiquette in cutting, Oxon, 83 ; omen from, Ontario, 222 ; Piedmont, 213 ; oven, Breconsh., 508

Breaking earthen vessel as mar- riage rite, gipsies, 338

Breath : expels evil, S. Amer., 59-60

Brecon : hiring fair, 106 ; street cry, 506

Breconshire : {see also Brecon) ;

B. \'illage Folklore, by M. E. Hartland and E. B. Thomas, 505-17 ; hiring fairs, 107

Bridges : Devil builds. Piedmont,


Bringing in the Fly, by P. Man- ning, 153

British Calendar Customs, by

C. S. Bume, 154

British Columbia : {see also Haidas) ; guardian spirits, 131

British Guiana, see Arawaks

Broadford : tale, 496

Bromley-by-Bow : love-philtre, 120

Bromyard: Skyrrid, 118

Bronze Age : death customs, 253

Broom : delays Alp, 127

Broom plant : in marriage, gip- sies, 336-7

Broomstick : jumping over, as divorce, 341, and marriage, gipsies, 336-7

Bro\%Tiie : Wales. 106-7

Buddhism : Burma, 410

Buffalo : as badge, Dacotas, 174 ; in clan name, Blackfeet, 169 ; offered, jNIanipur, 436-8, 442 ; sacrificed, Manipur, 423, 427 ; in tale, Pokomo, 476

Builth : hiring fair, 107

Bulgaria : childbirth, 195

Bull : ghost appears as, Bre- consh., 506 ; masks, Manipur, 418 (plate) ; in saying, Pied-

mont, 216 ; as symbol, 532 ; in

tale, Clare, 210 Bull-frog, see Frog Bunratty : De Clare, 374 Burial alive : gipsies, 340, Suf- folk, 332 Burial customs and beliefs, see

Death and funeral customs and

beliefs Burial of Amputated Limbs, by

R. M. Heanley, 123 Burma : {see also Lushei Kxtki ;

Manipur) ; religion, 410, 522 Bume, C. S. : British Calendar

Customs, 154 ; Guy Fawkes'

Day, 8 Bume, S. A. H. : review by,

132-5 Burren : tales and myths, 98, 494 ;

tribal assembly, 503 Bush : as sign, Mon., 109 Bushmen : Aurignacians, 38 Buu, 457, 459, 461-2, 469

Cachar : Hinduism, 415 ; Mani- pur obtained trades from, 420 ; rice spirit from, Manipur, 448

Caeilte, in tales, loo-i

Caerleon : hiring fair, 106-7 ; May 29th, 109

Caherdooneerish, 99

Cakes : in charms, Ontario, 221, Oxon, 79 ; eaten at marriage, Breconsh., 511, gipsies etc., 334-5 ; in rain stopping, Balu- chistan, 231

Calendar Customs of the British Isles, see Brand Committee

Calendar folklore, see Days and Seasons

Caluso : death custom, 214

Cambridgeshire : {see also Dux- ford ; Ickleton) ; folklore items, 234-7 ; gipsies, 327

Camel : brands, Kordofan, 280 ; in tale, Pokomo, 476

Cameron : as clan nickname, i6y

Campbell : as clan nickname, 169

Canada, see British Columbia ; Ontario ; Quebec

Candle : at baptism. Piedmont, 213 ; to bind churches, Crete, 357 {plaie) ; in Christmas cus- tom, Wales, 108 ; in dance, Mexico, 129 ; omens from, Oxon, 88, 91, Piedmont, 213