Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/580

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Candlemas Day : sayings, Bre- consh., 511, Cambs., 237, Ontario, 219

Cannibalism : E. Africa, 472 ; S. Amer. Indians, 53-4

Canoe : on grave, Kiwai Papuans, 291 ; amongst Pokomo, 463 ; song of building, Kiwai Pa- puans, 300-1, 311

Canziani, E. : exhibit, S ; Pied- montese Folklore, 213-8, 362-4 ; Piedmontese Proverbs in Dis- praise of Woman, gi-6

Capybara : flesh tabooed, S. Amer., 45 ; in tales, S. Amer. 58 ; tooth as awl, S. Amer., 61

Carbuncle : cure for, Harris, 384

Cardigan : hiring fair, 107

Cardiganshire : hiring fairs, 107

Caria : deities, 27

Carrigaholt : ghosts, 497 ; tales,

105. 492-3

Carmarthenshire: hiring fairs, 107

Carnarvonshire : hiring fairs, 107

Carnation : stops witches, Greece, 127

Carnelly : tale, 495-6

Carnival : puppet, Turin, 215 ; tinkers' feasts. Piedmont, 217

Carrigogunnell : tale, 490

Cartaselle : supernatural appear- ance, 362

Cash Account, 12

Cassava : dance, S. Amer. Indians, 51-2 ; prepared by women, S. Amer. Indians, 48

Cassowary : in song, Kiwai Pa- puans, 294

Caste : Barnes' Ethnography (Tribes and Castes) reviewed, 533-4 ; Manipur, 519 ; northern India, 272 ; as test of Hin- duism, 419, 519-20

Castel Delfino : marriage customs,


Cat : [see also Wild cat) ; black, lucky, Oxon, 90, unlucky, On- tario, 226 ; Devil as, Piedmont, 363 ; killed if jumped over corpse, N. Eng., 347 ; in say- ings, Oxon, 77 ; taboos con- nected with, gipsies, 328

Cateq:)illar : charm against whoop- ing cough, Quebec, 360-1

Cattle : (see also Bull ; Cow ; Ox) ; on Christmas Eve, Oxon, 89

Caul : Ontario, 221-2

Cavallermaggiore : in proverb, 95

Cavan : tale, 102

Caves : Malta, 263 ; paintings, 38

Cavour : Devil at, 363

Cetisus of Northern India, The : Reports, reviewed, 270-3

Ceremonial Customs of the British Gipsies, The, by T. W. Thomp- son, 7, 314-56

Chair : unlucky to mock across, Ontario, 222

Chameleon : in tale, Pokomo

473-4 Channel Islands, see Guernsey ;

Jersey Chants Populaires de la Grande- Lande et des Regions voisines, by F. Arnaudin, reviewed, 136-7 Charlecote : loo-belling, 241 Charms and Spells : (see also Amu- lets and talismans) ; against : bone diseases, Harris, 384 ; colds, Ontario, 224 ; colic, Ontario, 224 ; convul- sions, Ontario, 224 ; cramp, Oxon, 89 ; dangers, gipsies, 336 ; epilepsy, Skye, 384 ; fever, Piedmont, 362 ; goitre, Oxon, 88 ; hernia, Breconsh., 506-7 ; rats, Ontario, 227 ; scorpion bite, Cyprus, 358 ; sore throat, Quebec etc., 361 ; thrush, Warwicksh., 241 ; toothache, Ontario, 221, 224; warts, Breconsh., 506, On- tario, 224, Oxon, 89 ; witch- craft, Ontario, 224, Oxon, 83 ; whooping cough, Ontario, 224, Quebec, 360-1, Warwicksh., 241 ; alphabet in, 139 ; to ascertain future husband or lover, On- tario, 222, Oxon, 79-80 ; to assist calving, Herefordsh., 238 ; blowing and breathing as cure, S. Amer., 59-60 ; to cause mad- ness. Piedmont, 362 ; to change sejc, Baluchistan, 232 ; eating Christmas cake, Ontario, 221 ; to get and revive love, London, 1 20- 1 ; to get and stop rain, Baluchistan, 229-32 ; Himmels- briefe, 139 ; to get hidden treasure, 252-3 ; to make barren trees bear, India, 248 ; 7th son, Skye, 384 ; Syrian, 150-2 ; to