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Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 3, 1892.djvu/518

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5IO The Bodleian DinnsJicncJias.

dara eissi. No comad e Manannan fesin^ nodos-berid, amail is {q\\.i{s isind rund'-' :

Tri tonna Y^xeiin uile

toad Clidna, tond '^Vidxaige,

'sa[n] tonn robaidh mnai Mrt/c Lir

ic a[n] traigh os Tuaig Inbir. No

DoUuidh Fer Fiugail fuacda,

macc^ Eogabail ardbruacda,

ros-fuc Tuaig, nir'bo doai«g dath,

ingen Conaill QoViamrach. Unde Tuag Inbir.

Tuag, daughter of Conall Collamair, son of Etirscel, King of Tara [was reared, apart from men, to be wooed by the King of Erin]. When the Feast of Tara was held by Conall Collamair, the folk of Ireland, both men and women, were gathered unto it. (Thither also) went Fiugail, son of Eogabail, a fosterling of Man- annan mac Lir. He chose Tuag, daughter of Conall Collamair, to take her with him (for Manannan) into the Land of Everliving Women. So by means of art magic* he took her in her sleep, without her perceiving it, to the inver of Glass mac .... He laid her down (still) sleeping by the side of the inver, so that he might go to take counsel with Manannan ; but after he had gone, a wave came over her at the inver, and drowned her. Or maybe it was Manannan himself that was carrying her off, as is manifest in the stave :

The Three ^^'aves of the whole of Erin :

Clidna's Wave, Rudraige's Wave,

And the wave that drowned Mac Lir's wife

At the strand over Tuag Inbir. Or:

Fer Fiugail the hurtful went.

The son of Eogabal the high-stately :

He carried off Tuag — it was not ....

Daughter of Conall Collamair.

Also in BB. 395540; H. 54 b; Lee. 503 a. Versified by Bard Maile, LL. 152 b 9-34, where Fer Fittgail is called Fer Fi, the fairy tympan'ist of the Battle of Mag Mucruma [Rev. Celt., xiii). He came in a young woman's shape, and thus obtained access to Tuag. Tuag Inbir is said by Prof Atkinson, LL. Contents, 37, to be the mouth of the river Bann.

The story is told much better in BB. , pp. 395-396, thus :—

Tuag ingen Conaill maic Etersceoil, is and roalt, i Temraig co slogh mor d'ingenaibh rig Erenn impi dia himcomed. A slanti mwwnv .u. hliadan ni reilcedh fear itir do imcaisin co ngabatfh] ri Wereiin a himthocmharc.s Faidi d\diu Manandan techta ina dochuniS .1. F'ear Fighail mac Eogabail dalta do Manandan 7 drui do Tuathrt/i^ dt' Ha/ian/i i richt mna dia chaemteactaib, co mbui

1 MS. ifesin. 2 ms. rind. ^ ms. meic.

  • Canais bricht "he sang a spell", according to the poem in LL. 152b.

^ MS. himthochmarc. ^ MS. dhocum.