\English books published in London, French books in Paris, tmless otherwise mentioned.']
Child (F. J.). The English and Scottish Ballads. Part IX. 4to, 282 pp. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and Co.
Georgeakis (G.) et L. PiNEAU. Le folk-lore de Lesbos. i6mo. Maisonneuve.
GOMME (Alice Bertha) and WINIFRED Smith. Children's Singing Games. Traditional words and music, with description of method of playing and antiquarian notes. 72 pp., small 4to. D. Nutt.
■ . ■ Comprises the following eight games : — London Bridge is broken down ; Sally Water ; Three Sailors ; Looby Loo ; Round and round the Village ; The Jolly Miller; Oats and Beans and Barley ; Here we come up the green grass.
Jacobs (J.). More Celtic Fairy Tales, selected and edited by J. J., illustrated by J. D. Batten. With Introduction and Notes dis- cussing sources and parallels. Square Crown 8vo. xiv, 234 pp. D. Nutt.
KiRBY (W. F.). The Hero of Esthonia, and other studies in the romantic literature of that country. 2 vols., 4to. J. C. Nimmo.
Martens (Ch.). L'origine des contes populaires. {Extr. Revue Neo-scolastique.) Svo. 59 pp. Louvain : Uystpruyst-Dieudonne.
Olrik (Axel). Sakses Oldhistorie. Norrone Sagaen og Danske Sagn. Svo. 316 pp. Kopenhagen. Gad.
Rethore (F.). Science des religions du passe et de I'avenir, du judaisme et du christianisme. Svo. 364 pp. A. Pedone.
Tyson (E.). A Philological Essay concerning the Pygmies of the Ancients (a.d. 1699), now edited, with an Introduction treating of Pigmy Races and Fairy Tales, by Bertram C. A. Windle, M.D., Dean of the Medical Faculty and Professor of Anatomy, Mason College, Birmingham. Crown Svo. civ, 103 pp. (Bibl. de Carabas, vol. ix.) D. Null.