Folk-lore Bibliograpliy. ' 353
Archseologia, liv, i. W. Greenwell, Antiquities of the Bronze Age, found in Heathery Burn Cave, co. Durham. C. E. Keyser, On a Panel Painting of the Doom, in Wenhaston Church, Suffolk.
Jewish Quarterly Review, October. A. P. Bender, Beliefs, rites, and customs of the Jews connected with death, burial, and mourning.
No. 4.
Journal of American Folk-Lore, July. Washington Matthew, Songs of Sequence of the Navajos. A. F. Chamberlain, A Kootenay Legend : The Coyote and the Mountain-Spirit. G. B. Grinnell, A Pawnee Star Myth. /. C Hamilton, Two Algonquin Legends. F. Boas, Notes on the Eskimo of Port Clarence. H. I. Smith, Notes on Eskimo Traditions. Pamela McArthur Cole, New England Funerals. Ellen Powell Thompson, Folk-lore from Ireland. American Versions of the Ballad of the Elfin Knight. Henrietta Irving Bolton, Curious Relics of English Funerals. M. H. Saville, A Comparative Study of the Graven Gylphs of Copan and Ouirigua. Folk-lore Scrap-book. Notes and Queries. Local Meetings and Other Notices. Bibliographical Notes.
Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxiij, 4. R. Etheridge,junr., On an unusual form of rush-basket from South Australia. Sa7ne, On a modification of the Australian Weapon termed the Leonile. Saine, An Australian Musical Instrument. P. W. Bassett-Smith, The Aborigines of N.W. Australia. W. G. Aston, Japanese Onomatopes and the Origin of Language. Lieut. B. T. Somer- ville. Ethnological Notes on New Hebrides.— xxiv, i. /. E. B. Meakin, The Morocco Berbers. L. A. Waddell, The Tibetan House-Demon. Same, Some Ancient Indian Charms from the Tibetan. C. J. Longmaft, The Bows of the Ancient Assyrians and Egyptians. L. A. Waddell, On the Poisoned Arrows of the Aakas. Prof. V. M. Mikhailovskii, Shamanism in Siberia and European Russia.
Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, xvi, 7. P. Le Page Renouf, The Book of the Dead, chaps. 88-91. C.J. Ball, Israel and Babylon [interesting notes on several points of con- nection between the two systems of faith and ritual].