Rag-bushes near wells, 200, 217, 224, 226
Rand, Silas Tertius, Rev., Legends of the Micmacs, reviewed by E. S. Hartland, 70-72
Relaters, professional, 98
Religious tableaux in Italian churches, W. H. D. Rouse on, 4-13
Remembrance, capacity of human mind, 137
Romati van Walewein connected with other popular stories, 121
Romance and folk-tales, relations between, 124, 126-127
Rosalia, festival of Phrygian origin, 113.
Rosalia, Thracian spring festivals in connection with St. Nicholas' legend, 111
Rouse, W. H. D., folk-lore items from Česky Lid and North Indian Notes and Queries, 81-88, 343-351; folk-lore items from North Indian Notes and Queries, 279-282; on religious tableaux in Italian churches, 4-13
Ruined church of Coolkil, 200
Rutherglen, baking of sour cakes at, 47
Sacrifices to the dead in Greece, 164-166
Saga-growth, analysis of, 100-101
St. Bridget, well dedicated to, 226
St. Kevin's apples, 307
St. Maughold's sarcophagus, 223
St. Nicholas and Artemis, by Prof. Eugene Anichkof, 108-120
St. Nicholas' day kept as festival for children, 111; dedications to, in Germany, 109; legends in Italy and France, 115; Lycian cult of, in; patron of sailors, 108; pictures on board Russian ships, 109; thought to be a substitute for Odin, 109; and three youths, legend of, 110.
St. Patrick blessing wells, 225
St. Patrick's curse, turning men into wolves, 311
St. Valentine's day custom at Northrepps, W. B. Gerish on, 3
Sarcophagus of St. Maughold, 223
Scars, significance of, 33
Schultz, W., on "Tommy on the tub's grave," 290-292
Scotch lullaby, unpublished, 336
Scraps of folk-lore from Berkshire, 336
Sewell, E., South Indian murder trials, 14-17
Sketch of sacred well in Man, 220
Sketch of game "Tommy on the tub's grave," 290
Skipwith, G. H., popular explanation of tree decay, 169
Skipwith, G. H., folk-lore jottings from the western counties, 339
Skull of Klefsan the jester, 313
Smith, H. Babington, on hop-scotch at Simla, 340
Smith, S., Wiltshire jottings by, 342
Sorcerers, Papuan, 319
Souls of the drowned represented by children, 111
Souls, strange superstition of, 277
Soumalaisia Kansansatuja, Finnish folk-tales, reviewed by John Abercromby, 321-324
South India, early races of, F. Fawcett on, 18-38
Strange churchyard at Inishglory, 305
Stone showers produced at will by the Chetti, 17
Summing up of conclusions, result of five years' study of folk-tale, by J. Jacobs, 143
Superstition in the canons, by W. R. Paton, 275-278
Superstition, strange, about the souls of the dead, 277
Survival of the fittest in folk-tales, theory of, 136, 147
Table for the scientific classification of proverbs and sayings of the Isle of Man, 235-271
Tali, wedding ring of Hindus, 19
Theory of evolution, 149; of survival of the fittest, 136; of transmission, 132
Themer (Tara) Castle, story of, 310
"Tommy on the tub's grave," Mr. Edward Field on, 292; Mr. J. G. Eraser on, 290-292; Mr. A. Nutt, notes on, 292; Mr. W. Schultz on, 290-292; children's game, played in early spring, 290-292
Tradition, lateral, 140
Tradition, vertical, 141
Transmission, theory of, 132
Tribal organisation in India, 51-52
Unnatural incidents in folk-tales, from anthropological point of view, 134
Valentine custom at Northrepps, 3
Vampires, Greek superstition, 276
Venning, Rosamond, on burial of teeth with body in Cornwall, 343
Vishnu, mark of, 19
Votive limbs and figures in Italian churches, 11
Votive pictures, collection of, 12-13
Wadders, South Indian tribe described, 18-24
Wake, Leitrim funeral custom, 190-191
Wakeman's Antiquarian Remains at Innismurray reviewed, 158-61
Walewein, Roman van, by Prof. W. P. Ker, 121-127; comparison with "Golden Bird", "Mac Jain Direach",