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Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 5, 1894.djvu/371

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and " La Mule sans Frein", x'zyi'Zi, ;

connected with Gaelic and Norse

myths, 126; abstract of plot, 121-123 Walhouse, M. J., on ghostly lights,

293-299 Water and well worship in Man, by A.

W. Moore, 212-229 Water, magical power of, 213 Water preventing the passage of spirits

and ghosts, 212 Water used to detect witches, 214 Water used as a protection against

witches, 215 Water used for purposes of divination,

214 Water worshipped as an animate being,

212 Wedding customs, Irish and from Lei- trim, 187-190 Wedding dress, straw, from Leitrim, 210 Wells in Man connected with pagan

rites, 216 ; visited, to raise the wind,

219 Well-water, cure for barren women,

221-224 ; cure for sore eyes, 222 Welsh superstition of corpse-candles,


Widow carrying hay inauspicious, by

Harold Littledale, 340-341 Will-o'-the-wisps, 294, 297, 298, 299 Wiltshire jottings, by S. Smith, 342 Windle, C. A., Irish folk-lore items,

283 Witchcraft, belief in, 54 Witch stories from Leitrim, 183-184 Witches, water used as a protection

against, 215 Wonderful qualities of lakes and springs

in Ireland, 303-307 Wood, G. W. , on the classification ot

proverbs and sayings of the Isle ol

Man ; with a collection of proverbs

in Manx and English, 229-274 Woodlarks, legends from the, by

A. C Haddon, 316-320

Year and its seasons in Leitrim, folk- lore, 191-197

Zingerle on St. Nicholas' legends, 109- m


This Index comprises the names of Authors of Articles in Periodicals in ordinary

roman type, of Authors of Books and titles of Books in italics, and the

titles of Periodicals i?i small capitals.

Acjaelis, T. , 287

Addy, S. O., 170

Aleandri, V., 95

Allen, Grant, 172

Amalfi, G., 355, 356, 357

American Anthropologist, 172

American Antiquariak and Orien- tal Journal, 92, 172, 235

Am Urquell, see under U.

Andrde, R., 90

Andr^e, R. , 95

Andrews, J. B. , 173, 174, 176, 285, 286

Andrews, S. A. P., 285

Andrian, F. von, 179

Angelini, M., 175

Annales de Bretagne, 354

Annuaire des Traditions Popu- laires, 170

Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 92

Anrich, G. , 284

L'Anthropologie, 172, 354

Arch/eologia, 92, 333

Archiv fUr Anthropologie, 95, 96

Archivio, 94, 175, 355

Asmus, 287

Aston, W. G., 353

Aubry, Dr. P., 173

B. F. , 174, 17s

B. H., 175

Ball, C. J., 353

Banks, F. D., 285

Baragiola, A., 176

Baratta, L. M. , 94

Barberi, P., 95

Baroti, L. , 356

Basset, A., 173

Basset, F. S. , 92

Basset, R., 93, 94, 173, 174, 285, 286,

354. 355 Basset-Smith, P. W. , 92, 353 Bassilan, O. de, 173 Bastian, A., 170 Batchelor, J., 172 Baumgart, A., 96 Beauchamp, W. M., 172 Beauquier, Ch. , 93 Beauregard, G. M. OUivier, 355 Beaurepaire, F. de, 94, 174 Beauvais, A., 94 Beitraege zur Geschichte der

Deutschen Sprache und Litera-

TUR, 288

Benczer, B. , 95 Bender, A. P., 353 B^renger-F^raud, 94