Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/464

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the Lamia, 275, and with Mchisina. 285 Snorri, his tale of Orvendill, 290 Social development, suggested origins

277, and bases for, 278 Soiiale Glicderiing, Die, im Nordost- lichen Indien zu BiiddhcCs Zeif, viit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kastcnfrage, von Richard Fick, reviewed, 161 Solar myths, and mythological tales, in connection with Orendel, 290, 301, difficulties of, popular fairy tales, 302, Max Mtiller on, 153, origin of ball-games, 73 Solomon and his seal, 347, 354 Solomonars, the, of Roumania, 238 Solus, 205, 240, an-traig, or shore- light, 213, bais, 205, 210, 211, 244, corp, spiorad, 2IO, taisg, 205, 244, 245 Soma, form of altar for receiving, 326, hymn, 328, ritual of making,


Some Country Remedies and their Uses, by John H. Barbour, 386

Some Notes on the Physique, Customs and Superstitions of the Peasantry of Innishowen, Co. Donegal, by Thomas Doherty, 12

Some Oxfordshire Seasonal Festivals, with Notes on Morris-Dancing in Oxfordshire, by Percy Manning, (^7/.) 307

Sore eyes, cure for 388, throat, cures for 388, 389

Soul, {see Re-birth), in African beliefs, its life terminable after death, 143, plurality of to individual, 144, due length of its life, 144, capture, (^see also Exorcism), 332

Soule, Breton ball-game, 175

Souling customs and verse, Derby- shire, 70

Souls of the departed riding on clouds, etc., 239, of the departed, bees as vehicles of, 329, dwellings of, Indian, 332, 334, and elsewhere,


South, the, its influence in folk- medicine, (Ireland) 16

Sow-thistle juice as a cure for warts,

389 Spartan or Lacedn^monian idols lent, 337, idea involved in chain- ing idols, 341, result of seeing image of Iphigenia, 344

Spells, (^see also Charms, Mantras, and Neapolitan Witchcraft) 302, 303, and counterspells, 304, 305, 306

Spelsbury, dress of girl morris- dancers, at, 317, morris-dancing on church tower, 318

Spiders (in connection with Hell), by Edward Peacock, 377

Spinning whorls to avert Evil Eye, 8

Sphinx, the, parallel in modern Greek folklore , 276

Spiorad, a spirit, 206

Spirits, (yScc Ghostly Lights), various forms assumed by, 204, 205, 206, 227, 377, prisons for, 348

Spleen, enlarged, cure for, 187

Sprain, cure for, 16

Squire, the, of Oxfordshire Whitsun- tide festival 309, of Lamb Ale festival 314, of the morris-dancers,

317 . .

Sraddha, Indian rites for housing anew the soul, 335

Staffordshire folklore, the Hobthirst, and his congeners in Lincolnshire, 68, All Souls rhyme, 70, the Horn Dance, 70, marriage folklore, 91

Staffordshire Superstitions, by Mabel Peacock, 68, Alore, by C. S. Burne,


Staffordshire Horn Dance, The, by Mabel Peacock, 70

Stakes driven into suicides, 199

Stanberry, (Mrs. G. A.), Folk-medi- cine in Ohio, 185

Stepmothers in folklore, 299, 302,

303. 304. 305. 306

Stiff joints, cure for, 387

Stolen, gods, 355, meat, cure for warts, 387, potatoes, as cure for rheuma- tism, 355

Stomachic, a, 388

Stone, a cure for, 387

Stone, or pillar, earliest form of idol 325, 326, 349

Stones, the ' Hurlers ' 73, the Roll- right stones, 338, Salagrama stone, the, and its shrine, 345, Snake Stones, 284

Straw Goblin, The, by C. G. Leland,

87 Straw Hillocks, the, how they got

their name, 386 Straw-ropes, used in god-binding,

342 . . Straws in folk-medicine, 186, wart- cure, 386