Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 8, 1897.djvu/465

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Sty in the eye, cure for, 3S7 Subaqueous cities, igg, an Indian

modern parallel, 200 Suffolk harvest customs, 75 Suicides, burial of, 199, 264 Sun, cursed by the Atarantians, 339 Sun-god, Babylonian, 341, 358, In- dian, 328, Orendel as, 291, 293, goddess in Japan, bound, 342 Sun-worship and sacrifice, 73, 153 Sunday football 72, haircombing on,

unlucky, 381 Supernatural births, in fairy lore, 49,

SO, 366 Supernatural Change of Site, by E.

S. Hartland, 177 Surya, the Sun, an Indian god, 328 Sussex, death-portents in, 207 Sutherlandshire, Plichting-stane o'

Lairg, 399 Sveidal or Svendal, ballad, classified, 299, details of tale, 302, analogues,

304, 305 Svipdag and Menglad, tale classified. 299, in relation to Orendel, 299, 301, in relation to other tales, 302,

304, 307, details of tale, 302, 304,

305, 306

Swan-Maiden tales, deductions from, 277, 278

Sweden, bird folklore of, 376

Swinburne, A. C, and the ' oversea- princess ' theme, 306

Switzerland, Folk-Lore Society of, 23, 93, the Three Tells, 197

Swordbearer of Oxfordshire festivals, 308, 309, 312

Swords, magic. 305 ; of David, 292, mock, of May Day Festival 308, of Whit-Hunt, impaling cake, 312, possible significance of, 316

Sycorax, 348

Sympathetic (^see Magic) connection supposed between man and tree, 1 1

Syritha tale, Icelandic parallel to Rapunzel, 299

Tabu of married people at weddings' 91, of speech in tales loi, of beam" cutting, 177, 279, of seeing or touch- ing a sacred thing, 344, things tabu to the Devil, 348

Tahiti, temple-entering tabu, 344, idols exposed periodically, 355

Taibhsdear, person possessing Second- sight, 203, 214, 217

Taibhse, (a spectre) 206, 214, 215,

224, 240 Taiseal, a ghost of the living, 206 Taliessin, metamorphoses of, 366 Tanas, Tannag, Tannasg, or wraith,

206, 211 Tavern-keepers, Attic, curses on, 362 Tawney, C. II., translation from

Matsya Purana, 327 Teine, (fire) 205, 245, biorach, pointed or bird-like fire, 205, 226, Mor, the great fire, (see Will-o'-the- Wisp,) 205, 225, 226, 227, 229, Seonaid, (Janet's fire) or Teine Sionnachain, 225, tale of its origin, 320, 233 Teiresias, why deprived of sight,

344 Tells, the three, their charmed sleep,

197 Templars, he, 292 Temple-tabu, 344 Temples, Greek, actual abodes of

gods, 335 Templeharry, old ruins, virtue of

water in hollow tree at, 390 Ten Wazirs, The, L. Goldmerstein,

76 Tenedos, axe of, 263 Teutonic Aryans, migration of and

matriarchy, 369, 372, Mythology,

Aurvendill in, 290, 291 Teutonic Mythology by J. Grimm,

see Grimm, mid tinder Binding of

a God, Bibliography to Teutonic Mythology by Rydberg

quoted, 291 Textiis Ornatior,Der,der Cukasaptaii:

ein Beitrag zur Aldrchenkunde, von

Richard Schmidt, reviewed, 160 Theban loans and borrowings of idols,


Theft of gods etc., advantages of, 355

Theology, and science, 55

Theophany, a, the origin of sacrificial cults. 325, 349

Theseus, modern Greek parallel, 275

Thirteen months' imprisonment of Ares, its significance, 354

Thomas, (N. W.), A Folktale con- cerning Jesus Christ, 379..

Thor, {see also Tyr), and Orvendill, 290, 293

Thorkelsson, Dr. Jon, cited on the date of Hjalmter's Rimur, 303

Thorn in finger, poultice for, 387

Threatening the gods, 339