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INDEX TO VOL. XXX. (1919).

Adams, A.: Folklore Notes from Cornwall, 130 et seq.
Afghanistan, Folk Life of, 249 et seqq.
Agriculture in India, prejudice against, based on cult of Mother Earth, 290 et seq.
Ananse: tale of, 158 et seqq.
Armour: simulacra of, deposited in churches, 317 et seqq.

Banjāri Deo: cult of, in India, 298
Bansapti Mā: an Indian Mother goddess, 298
Barker, W. H.: Notes on folk-lore of the Gold Coast, 158 et seqq.
Baudis, Dr. J.: Czech Folk-tales, reviewed, 247
Beads: used as charms in Cornwall, 130 et seq.
Bediyā, Beriyā: a Gipsy tribe in India, 110 et seqq.
Bell: an ancient, in Ireland, 77 et seq.
Beriyā, see Bediya.
Betrothal customs in Afghanistan, 256 et seq.
Bhūmi: the Earth Mother in India, 285
Bidding at weddings in Wales, 238
Birch brooms: beating children with, 199 note.
Birth customs in Afghanistan, 250 et seqq.
Bleck, Dr.: on the folklore of the Bushmen, 152 et seqq.
Bou'aun stones in Tipperary, 240
Bride: how prepared for marriage in Afghanistan, 267 et seq.; eating with her husband in Afghanistan, 273
Bridegroom: dress of, in Afghanistan, 275
Brittany: obligation on a man to beget offspring, 69; compulsory marriage, 69
Brooms: magical applications of, in Japan, 169 et seqq.; stepping over the handles of, 201; use of in childbirth, 200
Buddhists: restrictions on agriculture in India, 291
Burial customs: in Afghanistan, 277; in Roumania, 89 et seqq.
Bushmen: folklore and mythology of, 139 et seqq.; rock paintings, 140
Bussell, Dr. F. W.: on the Problem of the Gipsies, 103 et seqq.

Cagn: Bushman legend of, 143 et seqq.
Candles: lighted at the place of death in Roumania, 98; placed in the hands of the dying in Roumania, 91
Cats: not allowed to approach the corpse in Japan, 195 et seq.
Cattle: festival of, in Italy, 157 et seq.
Cell: in Pembrokeshire, where wishes are granted, 157
Celtic myths of deathland, 49
Changelings: fairy, in Tipperary, 239
Chāran tribe in India: women deified, 299
Charms: worn by children in Afghanistan, 255; see Beads
Child Rowland, ballad of, 78 et seqq.
Childbirth: use of brooms at, in Japan and elsewhere, 200
Children: initiation of, in Afghanistan, 253
China: beliefs regarding the Isles of the Blest, 35 et seq.; use of brooms in ritual, 173 et seq.
Chuang Tzu: a Chinese writer, 39
Coach: the Headless, in Tipperary 239 et seq.
Coffin: measurement of the corpse for, in Roumania, 93