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Colac: funeral bread, in Roumania, 95
Collcott, E. E.: on a Tongan Theogony, 234 et seqq
Common land: enclosure of, in Wales, 238 et seq.
Corpse, feet of, tied in Roumania, 93; carried out of the house feet foremost, in Roumania, 95; conveyance of, to the grave, in Roumania, 95 et seq.; in Afghanistan, 279; disinterment of, in Roumania, 99 et seq.; washing of, in Afghanistan, 278; in Roumania, 92
Cornwall: folklore notes from, 130 et seq.
Council of the Society: Report, 4 et seqq.
Crooke, Dr. W.: on Cults of the Mother Goddesses in India, 282 et seqq.; reviews of The Book of Duarte Barbosa, edited by M. Longworth Dames, 242 et seq.; The Geographical part of the Nuzhat-al-Qulūb, 243 et seq.; V. A. Smith, The Oxford History of India, 245 et seq.; F. J. Richards, The Salem District Gazetteer, 246; J. D. Cunningham, A History of the Sikhs, 246 et seq.; R. P. Masani, Folk-lore of Wells, 323 et seq.
Culture, the question of its transmission, 20, 283 et seq.
Cunningham, J. D.: A History of the Sikhs, review, 246 et seq.
Dances: of Gipsies, 117
Davies, J. C.: Notes on Welsh folklore, 156 et seq.
Death Customs: in Afghanistan 277; in Roumania, 89 et seqq.; feast, in Afghanistan, 280 et seq.; in Roumania, 98 et seqq.
De Goeje: theories of origin of the Gipsies, 112 et seqq.
Dharanī, Dharitrī, Dhartī: the Earth Mother in India, 285
Diodorus: on the Land of the Blest, 60
Divorce, in Afghanistan, 271
Dom: a Gipsy tribe in India, 111

Door of the house shut after death, in Roumania, 96

Dowry: in Afghanistan, 261 et seqq.

Duarte Barbosa: Book of, edited M. Longworth Dames, review, 242

Earth: thrown on the coffin, in Roumania, 97; Earth Mothers, in India, cults of, 285 et seqq.; menstruation of, 287; rest and awakening of, 288 et seqq.; connected with trees, 293 et seq.
East, J. R.: Notes on Welsh folklore, 238 et seq.
Education of children in Afghanistan, 255 et seq.
Eggshells: used in death rites in Roumania, 101
Eikon, placed on shroud of a dead man, Roumania, 93
Ellammā, a Mother goddess, in India, 287
Elliot Smith, Prof. G.: on mummification, 23
Evil Eye, the: in Afghanistan, 254 et seq.; in Tipperary, 239
Exogamy: in Afghanistan, 257
Fairies, in Wales, 157; changelings in Tipperary, 239
Faridpur: praying palm at, 315 et seq.
Feasts, death: in Afghanistan, 280 et seq.: in Roumania, at marriage, in Afghanistan, 268 et seq.
Fiji: use of fans in ritual, 178 et seqq.
Fishermen, luck of: in Orkney Islands, 131
Flags, black: hung after death on houses in Roumania, 93
Folk-tales, provenience of Negro tales, 227 et seqq.; Ananse, 158 et seqq.
Food for the dead: in Roumania, 97
Forgiveness of sins, prayers for: in Roumania, 97
Forts, ancient: taboo against digging, in Tipperary, 240
Fotheringhame, J. A.: Notes on Folklore of the Orkney Islands, 131
Fraser, Sir J. G.: Folklore in the Old Testament, 10, 25 et seqq., 71 et seqq.; on an Italian cattle festival, 157 et seq.; on Kentish folklore, 317 et seqq.