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Freeman, H. A.: on an Italian cattle festival, 157 et seq.
Funeral, delayed in Roumania, 93
Galicia, megaliths in, 209 et seq.
Gangammā, a Mother goddess in India, 299
Gaster, Dr. M.: review of Sir J. G. Frazer, Folklore in the Old Testament, 71 et seqq.; on Legends of the Killing of Khazar Kings, 136 et seqq.
Gesture, the language of, 312 et seqq.
Gipsies, the: Problem of, 103 et seqq.; their primitive habitat, 108; an accursed race, 113 et seq.; wanderings of, 114 et seqq.; as pilgrims or strolling players, 114 et seqq.; dances and mystery plays, 117; persecution of, 118 et seq.; religion of, 121 et seq.; in Roumania, 122; pagan survivals, 124 et seq.; language, 126 et seqq.; use of brooms in ritual, 187 note.
Gitani language, the, 109
Goddesses: in Aryan and Dravidian mythology, 284
Gods, the sleep of, 290
Gold Coast: folklore notes, 158 et seqq.
Graves: in Afghanistan, 279
Graebner, Dr. F.: on the moon in mythology, 31

Gun firing at births: in Afghanistan, 251

Haddon, Prof. A. C.: Presidential Address, 10 et seqq.

Halliday, W. R.: on a Sailor's Saying, 316 et seq.

Hartland, Dr. E. Sidney: reviews of R. Saintyves, Rondes Enfantines et Quêtes Saisonnières, 324 et seqq.; R. Torii, Études Archéologiques et Ethnologiques: Les Aïnou des Iles Kouriles, 320 et seqq.; C. W. von Sydow, Sigurds Strid med Fåvne; T. Norlind, Skättsagner; M. P. Nillson, Die Enlstehung und Religiöse Bedzutung des Griechis chen Kalenders, 165 et seq.

Harvest customs in the Orkney Islands, 131

Hasluck, F. W.: on "Prentice" Pillars, 134 et seq.

Head-shaving of children in Afghanistan, 254

Hildburgh, Dr. W. L.: Some Magical Applications of Brooms in Japan, 169 et seqq.

Homer: account of the Land of the Dead. 48

Hydrophobia, cure for: in Wales, 157

Ikbal Ali Shah, on the Folklore of Afghanistan, 249 et seqq.

Incense: burned at place of death, in Roumania, 98

India: Cults of the Mother goddesses, 252 et seqq.

Islands, Five: in Chinese belief, 44

Isles of the Blest: in Chinese belief, 35 et seqq.

Italy, Cattle festival in, 157 et seq.

Jains: tenderness for animal life, 291

Japan, use of brooms in ritual, 169 et seqq.

Jew, the Wandering, 291

Kent, folklore notes from, 317

Khazar Kings: killing of, 136 et seqq.

Khidr: the Prophet, 104

Language of the Gipsies, 126 et seqq.

Lao Tzu : Chinese writer, 39

Lavender: to be planted by the man of the house, 317 et seq.

Leap year, unlucky, 65

MacSweeney, J. J.: on Literary Influences on Tradition, 309 et seqq.

Marett, Dr. R. R.: on Interpretation of survival, 132 et seq.

Masani, R. F.: Folklore of wells, review, 323 et seq.

Marriage rites: Afghanistan, 261 et seqq.; compulsion of, 67 et seqq.; sacred, of deities, 304

Matmangara: sacred earth rite, 292

Meetings of the Society, 1, 2 et seq., 87 et seq., 167 et seq.

Megaliths in Galicia, 209 et seq.

Milbrook Church: remarkable tomb, 133

Moldavia: Gipsies in, 106