1845. Marcel de Serres. Sur les fossiles du bassin d'Aix (Bouches-du-Khoue). Ann. Sc. Nat. [3], IV, 249-256.
Uses the discovery of Ncorinopis sepulta as an argument in support of his theory that there is an intimate relation between the tertiary fauna and flora of Aix and the animals and plants now existing in southern France; and that the climate of the two epochs was the same. Recalling the then recent discovery of many butterflies new to the fauna of Europe, he suggests that N. sepulta may yet be found alive.
1847. Hope. Observations on the fossil insects of Aix in Provence, with descriptions and figures of three species. Trans. Ent. Soe. Lond., IV, 250-255.
Gives a list of genera published by Broun with some additions; on p. 252, under Lepidoptera, we have "85. Satyrus B[ronn]."
1849. Heer. Die lnsektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Eningen nnd von Radoboj in Croatien. 2de Theil. 4to. Leipzig. Extracted from the Neue Denkschr. allg. Schweiz. Gesellschaft fur Naturw., XI (1850).
Contains (pp. 177-183, Taf. xiv, figs. 3-G) descriptions and illustrations of Eugonia atava (Vanessa attavina), Mylothrites Pluto (Vanessa Pluto) and Ponlia Freyen (Pierites Freyeri).
1849. Heer. Zur Geschichte der Insekten. Verhaudl. Schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch., XXXIV, 78-97.
Refers to the late epoch at which Lepidoptera appeared, and adds, pp. 87-8: "Merkwünlig ist, dass von diesen Schmetterlingeu 2 Arten grosse Aehnlichkeit [88] mit ostindischen Arten habeu, wahrend eine mit unserm Distelfalter, eine andere mit unserem Grassacktrager zu vergleichen ist."
1850. Heer. Zur Geschichte der Insekteii. Neues Jahrb. fiir Mineral., 17-33. On the History of Insects. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond., VI, ii, 68-7G. Translated by T. R[ymer] J[ones].
Essentially the same as the preceding. The quotation given above is found on p. 24 of the Jahrbuch, p. 72 of the Journal. " Schmetterlinge " is everywhere translated Butterflies instead of Lepidoptera. Aix in Provence is nearly always given as Aix-la-Chapelle.
1851. Lefebvre. Observations relatives à I'empreinte d'un Lépidoptère fossile (Cyllo sepidta) du docteur Boisduval. Ann. Soc. Ent. France [2], IX, 71-88, pi. 3, No. II.
Criticises at length the opinion of Dr. Boisduval on the systematic position and structure of Neorinopia sepitlta, maintaining that the fore and not the hind wing was furnished with a tail, and while confessing his inability to decide upon its relationship, inclines to the opinion that the insect was more nearly allied to Vanessa. His studies were wholly taken from the plate published by Boisduval.
1851. BOISDUVAL. Quelques mots de reponse si M. Alex. Lefebvre sur ses observations relatives a la Cyllo sepulta. Ann. Soc. Ent. France [2], IX, Bull. 96-98.
Defends his views against the criticisms of Lefehvre.