Catalogues the three butterflies described by Heer from Radoboj.
Represents on pi. 17, fig. 17, and pi. 18, fig. 27, two fragments of wings, which he considers as belonging to butterflies, and to which, on pp. 395-G, in the explanation of the plates, he gives the names of Cyllonium Boisduvalianum and C. Hewitsonianum
Gives a brief account of the fossil butterflies then known, and reproduces excellently the figures of Neorinopis sepulta, and Mylothrites Pluto given by Boisduval and Heer.
Gives a similar but fuller account of the butterflies described by Heer and a brief notice of others.
Gives lists of Lepidoptera summarized from his previous work.
Simply mentions in his introductory remarks the occurrence of Neorinnpis sepalta at Aix, and says that most of the insects from this locality present a Mediterranean aspect.
1858. Heer. Ueber die Inscctfauna von Radoboj. Bericht 32 Vcrsamml. Deutsch. Naturf., 118-121.
A cursory review of Racloboj insects, mentioning the rarity of Lepidoptera, and specifying Eugonia atava (Vanessa (Mavind) and Mylothrites Pluto (Vanessa Pluto). He remarks that the former resembles V. cardui and probably fed on thistles, although these had not yet been found in a fossil condition in that locality ; and that the latter was nearly allied to Papilio Hailena.
1859. Heyden. Fossile Insecten aus der Rheinischen Braunkohlc. Dunk. u. Mey. Palaeontogr., VIII, 1-15, Taf. 1-2.
Contains pp. 12-13, Taf. I, fig. 10, description and figure of Thanatites vetula (Vanessa vetula).
1860. Heer. Untersuchungen iiber das Klinia und die Vegetations Verhaltnisse des Tertiarlandes. 4to. Winterthur.
Refers to some of the fossil butterflies described from Racloboj and Aix.