Arbatel of CMagick. 209
feft , that he fhall be made a Magician of the ordination of God; that is, fuchaperfon who ufech the minirtery of the Spirits to bring excellent things to pafs. Here,as for the mofl part,they fin, either through negligence , ignorance, or con- tempt, or by too much fuperftition ; they offend alio by in- gratitude towards God, whereby many famous men have af- terwards drawn uponthernfelves definition: they fin alio by rafhnefs and obftinacy ; and alfo when they do not ufe their gifts for that honor of God which is required, and do prefer
Sixthly, The Magitian hath need of faith and taciturnity, efpecially , that he difclofe no fecret which the Spirit hath forbid him, as he commanded Daniel to fealfome things, that is, not to declare them in publick ; fo as it was not law- ful fat Paul to fpeak openly of all things which he faw in a vifion. No man will believe how much is contained in this one precept.
Seventhly, In him that would be a Magician, there is re- quired the greateft jnftice , that he undertake nothing that is ungodly , wicked or unjuft , nor to let it once come in his minde ; and fo he fhall be divinely defended from all evil.
Aphor, 40.
When the Magician determineth with himfelf to do any incoporeal thing either with any exteriour or interiour fenfe, then let him govern himfelf according to thefe feven fubfe- quent laws,to accomplish his Magical end.
ThefirftLaw is this, That he know that fuch a Spirit is ordained unto him from God ; and let him meditate that God is the beholder of all his thoughts and a&ionsjtherefore let him direft all thecourfe of his life according to the rule prefcribed in the word of God. Secondly , Alwaies pray with David , Take not thy holy Spirit from me ; and ftrengthen me with thy free Spirit ; and lead m not into temptation^ but deliver w from evil: Ibefeech thee y O heavenly Father^ do not give power unto any lying Spirit , at thou
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