Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/224

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2io ArbateU/" UMagick.

didjt over Ahab that be per ijhed ', but keep me in thy truth. A- men.

Thirdly, Let him accuftome himfelf to try the Spirits, as the Scripture admonifheth ; for grapes cannot be gatheted of thorns : let us try all things , and hold faft chat which is good and laudable , that we may avoid every thing that is re- pugnant to the divine power.

The fourth is, To be remote and cleer from all manner of fuperflition ; for this is fuperfticion,to attribute divinity in this place to things, wherein there is nothing at all divine j or to chufe or frame to our felves , to worfhip God with fome kinde of worfhip which he hath not commanded: fuch are the Magical ceremonies of Satan,whereby he impudently ofFereth himfelf to be worfhipped as God.

The fifth thing to be efchewed,is all worfhip of Idols,which bindeth any divine power to idols or other things of their own proper motion , where they are not placed by the Cre- ator, or by the order of Nature : which things many falfe and wicked Magicians faign.

Sixthly, All the deceitful imitations and affe&ions of the devil are alfo to be avoided , whereby he imitateth the power of the creation, and of the Creator , that he may fo produe things with a word , thac they may noc be what they are. Which belongeth onely to the Omnipotency of God, and is not communicable to the creature.

Seventhly , Let us cleave fafl to the gifts of God , and of his holy Spirit , that we may know them, and diligently embrace them with our whole heart, and all our ftrength.


We come now to the nine laft Aphorifmes of this whole Tome; wherewith we will , the divine mercy affifting us, conclude this whole Magical Ifagoge.

Therefore in the firft place it is to be obferved, what we underfiand by Magician in this work.

Him then we count to beaMagitian, to whom by the


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