Page:Freemason's song.pdf/5

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My parents rear'd me tenderly, endeavouring for me ſtill,
And in the town of Wagan they bound me to a mill,
Where there I ſpied a Wexford girl, that had a black rolling eye.
And I offered to marry her if ſhe would with me lie.

In six months after this this maid grew big with child,
Marry me, dear Johnny, as you did me beguile;
I promiſed to marry her, as ſhe was big with child:
But little did this fair maid know her life I would beguile.

I took her from her siſter's door, at 8 o’clock at night,
But little did this fair maid know at her I bore a ſpite;
I invited her to take a walk to the fields a little way,
That we might conclude a while and appoint a wedding day.