Page:Freemason's song.pdf/6

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But as we were diſcoursing Satan did me ſur- round,
I pull’d a ſtick out of the hedge and knock'd this fair maid down,
Down on her bended knees ſhe fell, and for mercy ſhe did cry,
I’m innocent, don’t murder me, for I’m not pre- par’d to die.

He took her by the yellow hair, and dragged her along,
And threw her into a river that ran both deep and ſtrong,
All in the blood of innocence his hands and clothes were dy’d.
He was ſtain'd with the purple gore of his in- tended bride.

Then returning to his mother’s door, at 12 o’- clock at night;
But little did his mother think how he had ſpent the night,
Come tell to me, dear Johnny, what dy'd your hands and clothes?
The anſwer that he made her was, bleeding at the noſe.

He called for a candle to light himſelf to bed,
And all the whole night over the damſel lay dead,
And all that whole night over peace nor reſt he could not find,