Page:Freemason's song.pdf/7

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For the burning flame of torment before his breaſt did ſhine.

(illegible text)three days after this fair maid ſhe was miſ'd,
He was taken up on ſuspicion, and into jail was caſt,
Her siſter ſwore away his life, without either fear or doubt,
Her siſter ſwore away his life, because he call’d her out.

(illegible text)six weeks after that this fair maid ſhe was found,
(illegible text)ming floating to ber brother's door, that liv'd in Wexford town.

My Friend and Pitcher.

The wealthy fool, with gold in ſtore,
will ſtill deſire to grow the richer,
(illegible text)e me but theſe, I ask no more,
my charming girl, my friend and pitcher.