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fer can make it a God, or that body offered on the croſs.

Deid. You amaze me: but pray, What do you hold about Purgatory? Is there ſuch a place, where ſouls are to endure their purgations after death, that go not immediately to heaven, and by maſſes and prayer may be releaſed from it ſooner or latter?

Gard. It is a tradition lately brought in, and with it hath brought much increaſe of wealth to the church. The word of God allows only heaven for thoſe who shall be made veſſels of mercy; and hell for thoſe whoſe ſins have provoked him to caſt them down to thoſe diſmal regions of ſorrow and eternal woe; no prayers after death being available.

Deid. Theſe notions are as new as ſtrange to me: have you any authentic proof of this?

Gard. Yes, the revealed will of God is ſacred proof beyond all denial: Luke xvi. 23. 'The rich man in hell lift up his eyes, being in torments.' Matth. viil. 11, 12. 'They ſhall ſit down with Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven, but the other ſhall be caſt unto utter darkneſs, where ſhall be weeping and gnaſhing of teeth.' Mark xvi. 16. 'He that believeth ſhall be ſaved, and he that believeth not, shall be damned.' Here there is no ſuch thing as a Purgatory to be found. 'It is only the blood of Chriſt that purgeth us from our ſins, and from all uncleanneſs of fleſh and ſpirit, to prefent our souls blameleſs and unſpotted to his Father:' By this I underſtand thoſe that die in the Lord, need not our prayers, and thoſe that die in their ſins, no prayers can avail; for in the grave

there is no repentance: 'As the tree falls, ſo it must lie; whether it falls towards the north,
