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or towards the ſouth; where it falls, there it muſt lie.' There are only two extremes, north and ſouth, no middle-way, or purgatory for it to fall in.—'And as death leaves us, ſo judgement will aſſuredly find us.'

He would have proceeded; but ſhe ſtopped him, ſaying, Pray how long have you been in this opinion?

Gard Ever ſince God was pleaſed to enlighten me with his grace, to be attentive to his holy word, and to be guided by it.

Deid. Was you ever then of the church of Rome?

Gard. In my younger years I was; but thro' mercy, being made ſenſible by the ſcriptures, of the corruptions and errors of that church, by the aſſiſtance of worthy divines, I hope with St. Paul, 'Nothing ſhall be able to ſeparate me from the love of God, which is in Chriſt Jeſus.' I will not offend your ladyſhip's chaſte ears, with the hiſtory of the debaucheries and wicked lives of divers Popes, and moſt of the clergy; but will pray to heaven to defend you, from either luſt or revenge. And ſince I have by a free confeſſion, put my life in your hands, I humbly ſubmit it to your goodneſs to——

Here again ſhe interrupted him, and demanded, Why the religion he profeſſed was called the Proteſtant Religion?

To which he replied: As for being ſo called, it is to diſtinguiſh it from that of the Romiſh. It came from ſeveral princes and cities in Germany, who, upon the preaching of good men, and their examplary lives, proteſted againſt the uſurpations of the Romiſh church and its errors. That it was no new doctrine; but the truth of primitive Chriſtianity, confeſſed, aſſerted, and
