him, and demanded what buſineſs he had there at that late time of night; but, was extremely ſurpriſed to meet with, inſtead of Bernard the Gardener, Antonio the Prieſt, who then Fronovius thought had been with Deidama. Upon which, ſpeaking big words to Antonio, and threatening to kill him, for the diſhonour he had done his Lord, in violating his bed; the poor Prieſt, (who was almoſt dead with fear, and extremely confounded at this accident) trembling, told Fronovius, that, if he would save his life, he would ingenuouſly tell him all he knew: which, Fronovius promiſing, Antonio told him the ſtory of his love-addreſſes, violent paſſion, and the repulſes he met with. That however, being jealous of the Gardener, and not finding him in his lodging, (for it ſeems Deidamia had newly appointed him another, unknown to Antonio) ſuſpected he might be with his lady, where deſiring to detect him, and bring him to puniſhment, he had undertaken to come at this unſeaſonable time; but the doors being faſt locked, and after a long liſtening, hearing no ſtir nor whiſpering; was returning back again, to watch a more favourable opportunity, that he might not, on slight ground, or, uncertainty, ſay ſuch a thing to their charge.
Fronovius finding the prieſt had been repulſed and reproved, as well as he, and that his thoughts were the ſame with his, as to the ſuſpected rival, having huſhed his preſent fears, and declared to him, though ſomewhat darkly, his own affections, &c. They went to Antonio's chamber, where they entered into a combination ſo helliſh and malicious, that it brought many woes and miſeries, both to the virtuous Deidamia, and the Gardener; till by the mercy of