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God, to the ſhame and confuſion of the contrivers, they were turned to bleſſings, to rejoice the injured, and to clear their innocence, after many inexpreſſible ſufferings.

Whilſt theſe wicked men were thus plotting to revenge their repulſes, Deidamia was thoughtful of her ſafety: Sometimes ſhe determined to write to Alanſon, to remember his promiſe, and haſten his return; but then ſhe concluded, that, though his preſence might reform theſe diſorders, to deſert his command upon any private occaſion, would derogate from his honour: and then ſhe conſidered, that ſhe could not hide from him, the religion ſhe had embraced ſince his departure, for ſhe could not diſſemble, if ſhe was taxed with it; and though his company was dear to her, yet the enjoyment of the other, was more precious and preferable; and that, in compariſon of the love of Chriſt, all the love of the world was but of little value: At another time, ſhe thought of retiring to her parents; but this ſhe fancied would be diſpleaſing to her Lord, that in his abſence, ſhe ſhould leave the government of his family, which he had truſted to her care at his departure; theſe things ſeriouſly weighed, ſhe reſolved to remain at home thinking time would cure the wild diſorders that were in the minds of thoſe two wicked ſervants.

After this laſt reſolve, ſhe retired to her cloſet; where ſhe had not been long ere tho Gardener came to preſent her with a paper he had drawn up, by her order, of the fundamental points of the Proteſtant religion, in oppoſition to Popery; one being compared with the other, and tried by ſcripture and the fathers of the primitive times. She accepted this paper very kindly, promiſing to look it over at leaſure, as

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