a matter ſhe had much deſired to be informed in. Whereupon he retired to his labour in the garden, whilſt a bribed ſpy, (their enemies had ſet on the watch,) was running to give information of the Gardener's being with the lady. Fronovius was out of the way, Antonio haſted as faſt as he could, and ſoftly opening the ſpringlock, impudently entered the chamber, drawing the curtains of her bed, in hopes of finding what she looked for there; but miſſng his purpoſe, he stole to the ſide of her cloſet, directed thither by her voice; for the pious lady was fallen on her knees, and fervently pouring out her ſoul to God, in theſe words:
"O Moſt bleſſed God! who art the Father of mercies, and the God of all conſolation. I bleſs and praiſe thy holy name, that thou haſt enlightened the eyes of my underſtanding with the knowledge of thy bleſſed truth, and that thou haſt delivered me from the darkneſs and ignorance, and theſe antichriſtian errors, wherein I have lived ſince my childhood, and haſt revealed the ſaving knowledge of thy will unto me, as it is contained in thy bleſſed word, the holy Scriptures: O ſtrengthen my heart in the profeſſion of thy truth! and grant that I may never return back again to the Popiſh idolatry and ſuperſtition, not be under the conduct of thoſe blind guides any more, whatever ſufferings and trials I may be liable to, or may undergo on that account."
Theſe pious breathings of her ſoul, Antonio, to this great amazement, heard, and knew not what to think, whether he ſhould diſcover himſelf, or retire; but, at laſt, wickedly ſup-