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IN writing of the following relation, wherein injured innocence and oppreſſed virtue does ſo eminently triumph over all the rage and malice, both of men and devils, I ſhall not ftudy to adorn my ſtyle with flowers of rhetoric, but lead thee by the clue of truth into the adorable myſteries of Divine Providence, which are here diſplayed in ſuch a ſeries of wonders as can ſcarce be paralleled. As an introduction to which, I will a little conſider how the divine goodneſs delights to bring light out of darknefs, and makes even the wicked confound themſelves in their own devices, that out of their evil deſigns he may bring good to paſs. For, as Joſeph’s being ſold into Egypt, and there falſely accuſed of adultery, advanced him next to a throne, and turned to the ſhame of his accuſing miſtreſs,

and treacherous brethren; (though at the begining, God meant it for good) that he might be inſtrumental to preſerve his father and his houſehold alive, and turned the malice of the Patriarchs into a bleſſing; ſo the miſeries and extraordinary ſufferings of the noble lady whoſe ſtory I am going to recite, were made uſe of by divine Providence, as a mean of the converſion of her huſband, parents and many others, to the true religion; Which, as ſhe has often ſince ſaid, has been a very ample and glorious recompence. But I ſhall not anticipate what with more ſatis-

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