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faction you will find in the relation itſelf; which take as follows.

In Britany, one of the fineſt provinces of France, there lately lived Count Alanſon, a perſon of noble extraction, and of an eftate ſuitable to the greatneſs of his birth, and thoſe noble qualities that enriched his mind. Who, being a lover of military actions, was eaſily perſuaded to ſerve the king in the wars, where having an eminent command given him, he behaved himſelf with a bravery that gained him the admiration of his enemies, the love of his friends, and freſh honours of his king, who took particular notice of his great performances. But in the intervals of two or three campaigns, he caſt his eyes upon one Deidamia, a young lady of qulity not inferior to himſelf in birth, whoſe beauty and virtue were equally attractive: to her he made his addreſſes, and thc equality of their birth, and the ſuitableneſs of their diſpoſitions, made his conqueſt the more eaſy; ſo that in a little time they were contracted and married, to their mutual joy and ſatisfaction.

This happy couple, having for a whole winter enjoyed the bleſſing of each others mutual love and endearing affections, without the leaſt umbrage of any enterpoſing cloud that might give any allay to their happineſs; at length the ſpring came on, and the armies gathering together, ſummoned Alanſon from the repoſe he took in the ſoft embraces of his chaſte and loving wife, so the field of war, to act his part again upon that ſtage of honour, where he had already acquired ſo much reputation. But he never ſeemed ſo unwilling to court fame abroad, as now ſince he muſt of neceſſity leave behind him the
