with drink; ſo that finding it impoſſible to get away, ſhe was content to tarry there, till the providence of God ſhould find out ſome way of deliverance for her; being ſatisfied in this, that the comforts of converſation, and other conveniences that ſhe uſed to have, were abundantly made up in the communion ſhe enjoyed with God; whoſe bleſſed preſence, as ſhe has ſince confeſſed, did more than recompence for all her outward wants:—In the poſſeſſion of which happineſs we will leave her for a time, and look back to ſee what became of the ſurviving ruffian.
His companion (as we have already heard) was killed in their conteſt, about which ſhould enjoy, or rather raviſh Deidamia firſt; and he that ſurvived, fainted away thro' loſs of blood, which (as we have already related) made way for Deidamia's eſcape: But he recovering, in ſome little time, found means to ſtop its effuſion; and then miſſing of Deidamia, he made what ſearch he could for her, not ſo much to ſatisfy his luſt, (which his loſs of blood had pretty much allayed,) as to take away her life, that, in time to come, ſhe might not be an evidence of his wickedneſs; but not finding her after all his ſearch, he buried his companion, and returned to thoſe that had ſet him to work: telling them, 'That Deidamia, when ſhe found ſhe muſt die, by a ſurprize, had ſnatched away his companion's ſword, and slain him, with it, by an unlooked for thruſt: But that myſelf had quickly revenge it by her own death; and had buried them both in a deep pit, to avoid diſcovery.' This they believed, and gave him what they bad promiſed, being mightily pleaſed, that now they were, as they thought, at leaſt out of danger.