Bienne, lake of, 29
Bimana, order of, Blumenbach, 4 74
Bimanous, term, 475
Binkhorst, M. Van, 339
Binney, Mr. E., on marine drift shells in Central England, 270
Birch, Mr., on Egypt, 37
Bison Europæus, 61, 191
Bize, cavern of, 59
Blumenbach's order Bimana, 474
Boetlingk, M., 233
Borreby skull (fig. 5), 85
Bos bison, 14
- brachyceros, 24
- primigenius, 22, 24
- trochoceros, 24
- urus, 14
Boucher de Perthes, cited, 94, 109, 113, 121, 228
Boulders floating on ice, 361
- striated, 304
Brachiopoda fossil, Davidson on, 426
Brain, human structure of, 480
- of Bushwoman (fig. 58), 485
- chimpanzee (fig. 56), 484 and (fig. 57) 485
- Rolleston on, 492
Brick, burnt, in Egypt, 36
Bristow, H. W., cited, 278
British Isles, map of, 276
- in glacial period, 278
Brixham cave, 96
Brocchi on dying out of species, 393
Brongniart, Adolphe, on progression, 398, 404
Bronn on progression, 397
Bronze, age of, 10, 370
Brown, Mr. John, on Shetland insects, 435
Bubalus moschatus, 145, 156
Buchanan, Mr. John, on Glasgow canoes, 47
Buckland, Dr., 97, 256
Buffalo fossil near Berlin, 156
Bunsen, Baron, cited, 383
Burial rites in post-pliocene period, 192
Buried hut in Swedish drift, 240
Busk, Mr., cited, 11, 84, 86
- on Borreby skull, 85
Buteux's sections at St. Acheul, 96, 136
Cairo, 37
Canada, drift of, 354
Canche river, 109
Canoes, buried, of Glasgow, 49
Capercailzie in shell mounds, 15
Carnon, skulls at, 56
Carriden, 51
Carses of Clyde, Forth, and Tay, 47, 51, 54, 283
Carver, travels in N. America, 189
Cashmere, temple, 45
Caucasus, languages in, 460
Cave deposits, 93
- bear in Brixham Cave, 100
- of Neanderthal, 75
- at Bankton, 48
- Brixham, 96
Cavern of Bize, 59
- Chauvaux, 80
- Engis, 65
- Pondres, near Nismes, 60
Caverns round Liége, 63
Chalk, dislocations of, Denmark, 342
- pinnacle at Sherringham, 221
Chambers, Mr. Robert, 241
- on parallel roads, 258, 260
Chamblon, pile works, 28
Changes in physical geography, 375
- of level, 110, 286
Charonne, 151
Charpentier on Alpine glaciers, 291
Chavannes, 26
Chilian Andes glaciers, 296
Chillesford beds, 211
Chimpanzee, Marshall on, 488
- brain, 484
Chokier cavern, 65, 72
Christol, M., 59
Civilisation, early Egyptian, 380
Classification, systems of, 473
Cleopatra's Baths, 35
Clichy, gravel of, 151
Climate, 368
- changes of, 364, 368
- of Europe when Amiens' flint tools embedded, 142
- drift of North Germany was formed, 157
Coast ice, transporting power of, 363
- of Cornwall, 56