Cold, increasing, shown by Norfolk and Suffolk tertiaries, 210
- period in France, 138, 142
- Sicily and Syria, 223
Contorted drift, 222
- in North Italy, 308
- strata, Norfolk (figs. 29, 30, 31), 220
- at St. Acheul (fig. 21 a), 138
Copford, Essex, 155
Copper, age of, 11
Coral reefs, Florida, 44
Cornwall, coast of, 56
Coscinopora globularis figured, 119
Crag of Suffolk, 209
Crahay, Professor, 339
Crannoges, 29
Crawfurd, Mr., on languages, 455
Creation by variation, 417
- of species, 394, 423
Crete, rising of, 178
Cromer forest bed, 212, 214
- granite erratics at, 218
- section of Norfolk cliffs, at 213
Currents affect climate, 368
Cynotherium, 177
Cyrena fluminalis, 123, 124, 142, 154, 159, 161
- figures of, 124
DANISH peat, 8, 372
- shell mounds, 11, 372
Darent, valley of, 161
Darwin, Charles, on beach near Lima, 46
- erratics, 270
- glaciers of Chilian Andes, 296
- origin of species, 408
- parallel roads, 257
- on progression, 405
Davidson on fossil brachiopoda, 426
Dawkins, Mr., 171
Degeneracy, notion of, controverted, 378
Degradation of structure, 412
Delabeche, Sir H., his map of British Isles upheaved 600 feet, 275, 279
Delesse, M., analysis of fossil bones by, 187
Delta of Mississippi, 42
- Nile, 33
Dendrites on flint, figures of 116
Denise fossil man, 194
Deshayes on recent species of shells in upper miocene strata, 430
Desnoyers, M., on antiquity of human remains, 61, 181
Deville on contraction of granite, 286
Disco Island, 236
Dogs, bones of, in shell mounds, 15
- of bronze age, 25
D'Orbigny, Alcide, controverts existence of recent species of miocene shells, 430
Dover, Straits of, 284, 367
Dowler, Dr., 43, 200
Drew, Mr. F., cited, 278
Drift and boulders in Ireland, 272
- contorted in Denmark, 342
- in Perthshire, 244
Drumkellin bog, 30
Dryden on man, quoted, 193
Dryopithecus of Lartet, 499
Dumont d'Urville, Papoo dwellings, 19
Dundonald, cannel coal ornament at, 55
Dürnten, near Zurich, lignite of, 314
Dussel river, 75
EARTHQUAKE of 1855 in New Zealand, 349
- New Madrid, 202
Egypt, borings in Nile valley, 33, 38
- date of buildings in, 380
- Sir G. C. Lewis on, 381
Egyptian early civilisation, 380
Egyptologists, 38
Elephants' fossil teeth, 133
Elephas antiquus (fig. 19), 133, 143
- meridionalis (fig. 20), 133
- primigenius (fig. 18), 133
- Torquay, 371
Elevation of land, in Sardinia, 177
- in valley of Mississippi, 205
Eliot, Father, translation of Bible, 467
Embryological development, 415
Engihoul cavern, 65