Sponges from St. Acheul, 119
Spontaneous generation, 391
Spratt, Cuptain, on cave in Malta, 438
- on change of level in Crete, 178
Spring, Dr., 80
Squier and Davis, 39
Stalactite, Liebig on, 71
Stalactites in caves, 71
Staring's geological map of Holland, 147
Steenstrup on age of peat, 17
- fossils in peat, 9
- Icelandic fossil plants, 238
Stereognathus ooliticus, 401
Stockaded islands in Ireland, 30
Stone, age of, 10
- and bronze, ages of, 369
Stonesfield oolite, fossil mammalia of, 401
Strathmore, 246
Stuttgart, fossil mammifer of trias at, 401
Striated glacial pebbles and blocks, 304
Submergence of land, 376, 378
- in glacial period, 276, 278, 285
- North Wales, 267
- Scotland, 243
- Wales, 285
Subsidence of British Isles, 278
- land, 288
Successive changes, time required for, 284
Suffolk tertiaries or crags, 208
Sumner's, Records of Creation, 481, 496
Sunderbunds, 374
Superficial traces of glaciers and icebergs, 230
Sussex erratics, 281
Sus scrofa palustris, 25
Swedish raised beaches, 57
Swiss extinct glaciers, 290
- lake dwellings, 17, 373
Systems of classification, 473
Syria, cold period in, 323
TABULAR view of strata, 7
Taxodium distichum, 43
Tay, estuary of, 54
Tertiary strata, classification of, 3
Thames alluvium, 154
- valley, fluviatile deposits of, 159
Thebes, 381
- antiquity of, 382
Theory of progression, 395, 397, 398, 404
- objections to, 404, 472
Thothmes, Egyptian King, 37
Tiedemann on negro's brain, 481
- brain of ape, 489
Till in Norfolk, 219
Time required for changes of glacial period, 284
Tinière, cone of, 321
Tiniére, Morlot on, 27
Torquay, caves near, 96
Torquay, elephas primigenius at, 371
Tournal, M., 59
Transmutation theory, 424, 471
- arguments for and against, 446
Trias of Austrian Alps, 449
- Stuttgart, 401
Trimmer on Moel Tryfane, 267
Trimmer's maps of glacial period, 273, 162
Troyon on lake habitations, 20
Unger on Atlantic continent, 440
- miocene plants, 432
Unio littoralis (fig. 22), 158
Unity of origin of man, 387
- races, 386
- species, Quatrefages on, 495
Upheaval and subsidence, causes of, 288
- in Scotland, 47
- Wales, 282
- of land at North Cape, 58
- rate of 58, 178
Upsala erratics, 240
Ursus arctos, 22, 109
- spelæus, 101
Utznach near Zurich, lignite of, 314
VANESSA atalanta, 434
Variation, 407, 414