Varieties, incipient species, 416
Variation and natural selection, 469
- wide range of, 429
Vedas, 46
Vegetable kingdom, mutability in, 418
Vegetation, changes of, in, human period, 16, 372
Venetz on Alpine glaciers, 291
Vertebrata in Danish mounds, 14
- in lake dwellings, 23
- unknown in oldest rocks, 403
Vestiges of creation, 407
Vibraye, Marquis de, 151
Volcanic action in Central France, 198
Vrolik, on anatomy of quadrumana, 481, 486
WALES, extinct glaciers in, 265
- submergence of, 285
- upheaval in, 282
Wall of Antonine. 51
Wallace, Mr. Alfred, 408, 419
- on transmutation, 411
Wallich, Dr., on alluvium of Ganges, 337
- starfish at great depth, 268
Wangen, Lake of Constance, 20
Welsh glacial drift, 366
Wexford drift, 271
Whale at Dunmore, 53
- fossil, Airthrie, 53
Whales at Bacton, 217
Whitaker, Mr. W., cited, 278
Wicklow mountain, drifts of, 271
Williamson, Mr., on Wokey hole, 171
Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, 35
Wokey Hole, 170
Wollaston, T. V., on insects, 435
Wood, Lieut.-Col., 172
- Mr. Searles, his monograph of crag shells, 209
Woodward, Mr. S. P., on crag fossils, 209
Words, new ones introduced, 462
Works of art in post-pliocene alluvium, 150
Wyatt, Mr. Digby, on Irish lake dwellings, 30
- Mr. James, on flint tools near Bedford, 163
Wylie on lake habitations, 18
ZOSTERA marina in mounds, 16
Zurich, lake of, 314
- pile dwellings in, 18