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Gods Eye from Heaven.

be Christs Disciples, we must takeup his crosse and follow him: if we are not willing to partake of his sufferings here, we are not fit to partake of his benefites hereafter. The Church and people of God hath been always in trouble & persecution ever since Christ and his Apostles time, they sealed the Gospel with their blood, and many since the primitve time, sign to it with the same by persecutions; and likewise the Martyrs in Queen Maries time, and so must all if the Lord be pleased to call us to it; but the Lord be thanked, as yet we do enjoy the Gospel in peace, tho we have had many enemies which seek to blast it; but this Eye of Heaven saw their determinations, and quickly brought their counsel to nought: Many are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord will deliver them out of them all, Psal. 34 Through much tribulation we must enter into the Kingdome of God, Acts 14. 22. Examples there are many, both in the old Testament and the new, but especially since they shall be rewarded hereafter: If we will