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Gods Eye from Heaven.

preaching of the Gospel. Christ, the best Preacher that ever was, was derided by the Pharisees, when he told hem of their covetousnesse: St Paul the famousest preacher that ever was, next our Saviour, he was counted a babler, and a pestilent fellow: the Ministers in the Land now, are counted no other by some; nay, if Christ and his Apostles were on earth now, they should find the like now, and worse: but this was, is, and must be the condition of his Church upon earth, an afflicted condition. When God was making his Covenant with Abraham, Gen. 15:12. A deep sleep fell upon him, and lo, a horrour of great darkness was upon him, a smoaking furnace, and a burning Lamp passed between his sacrifice, and the Lord tells him of the bondage of his Seed in Egypt, for the encouragement of those that will part with any thing for Christ, even their persecution is annexed; Christ tells his Disciples, Mark 10. 26. 30. There is no man that hath left, house, or bre-thre