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Gods Eye from Heaven.

thren or sisters, or father, or mother, wife, or children, or lands, for my sake the Gospels, but he shall receive an hundred fold; Note the words, with persecutions too, that comes in among all those great things that are there promised. Mr. Hooper, that holy Martyr had in his armes when he was made Bishop of Worcester, a Lamb in a flaming bush with rayes of the Sun from heaven shinning upon it: a Lamb for meeknesse in a bush, burning among wicked men, who are as brambles and thorns burning with malice, and yet the comfortable light of heaven shinnes upon it. Mr. Bradford writing to the town of Walden, to encourage them to suffer faith, that that Christian hath not learned his A, B, C. in Christianity, who hath not learned the Letters of the Crosse: and Luther calls a Christian a crosse-bearer They that will live Godly must suffer persecution 2 Tim. 3.12. A reed that yeelds is not shattered with the wind: so those who will be time servers, whose conscience will bow andway