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Gods Eye from Heaven.

king of the stories of those times, saith, that every page and leafe, is as it were all red coloured with blood; the Covenant of Grace is a bloody covenant, both in regard of the blood of Christ, first sealing of it, and the blood of the Martyrs, adding likewise their seals in confirming its I John 5.8. Three bear witness on earth, the Spirit, Water and Blood. The third is applyed to the blood of the Martyrs in those times. Instead of one Sanctus, on whom such intolerable Tortures were inflicted, that they thought to have heard some blashemy proceed from him, yet they could get nothing but this Sum Christianus, I am a Christian, at which his persecuters being mad, they clapt on plates of Brass red hot to the most tender parts of his body, which shrunk his body, yet his spirit continued constant: they let him upon an iron chair red hot and being a whole day made a spectacle to the people, they could get nothing but his first confession, I am a Christian. And many more suffered: as oneRomanus