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Gods Eye from Heaven.

Romanus who was of noble birth, yet more noble in his Martyrdom; for he desired his persecuters not to spare him for his nobility: it is not the blood of my progenitors, saith he, but Christian profession makes me noble: then they lanced him with knives, until the bone appeared white, his eye lids torn with their nails, his hair pulled from his face, the Captain being astonished at his constancy, commanded them to cease from tortures: then was he brought out and scourged upon his old sores, his tongue plucked out by the roots: the captain being more amazed to see him remain constant still, commanded him to be brought into prison, and there to be strangled. Take one example of a woman Martyr, of which there are many which were very strong in the Christian faith: but one Julitta by name, who being to be put into the fire, spake unto other women that stood by, in this maner. Cerse, quoth she, to accuse the fragility of the feminine sex; are not we made after the image of God as well