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Gods Eye from Heaven.

secret (illegible text)ets, and closest rooms, but (illegible text) views your close and dark (illegible text) that are committed in your secret hearts. But I need not presse this belief to any that professe the Name of Christians, but let me tell the Atheists of these times, that there is a God that sees, thou sufferest their heresies and blasphemies: The fool hath said in his heart (saith David) there is no God, and so do they. How many be there of such opinions now in these latter times that will seek to maintain such blasphemy by discourse, and are counted by such of their own wicked hellish opinions, not fools, as David cals them but wise; But all wisdom that cometh not from above, is foolishnesse: Solomon saith. A companion of fools shall be destroyed. Therefore it behoves all Christians, that desire the knowledge and wisdom of God, to have a special care how they company themselves with such enemies of God, for fear the Lord should leave you to your selves; and so be drawn away by their wickeddevices,