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Gods Eye from Heaven.

devices, to the utter destruction of your souls and bodies. The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that would understand and seek God: All are gone out of the way, they are all corrupt, there is none that doth good, no not none, Psal. 14. A sad expression delivered by the Spirit of God, by the mouth of his Prophet David, in his time: and do you not think that if the Lord look down from heaven now upon the children of this age, his spirit may not send forth the like voice amongst us all: I am afraid, if not all yet the most of us are gone out of his way that he prescribes us to follow, and are too much addicted to follow our own wayes, and think in our own eyes they are good wayes, when there is none among us that doth good, no not one. St. Paul tells us the same, Rom. 3. 10. There is none righteous no not one. Now St. Paul speaketh this of all men naturally, but David meaneth of the reprobate & faithful, which nonecan