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Gods Eye from Heaven.

and all guile, and dissimulation, and envy, and all evill speaking: pray read all that Book over, & you shal quickly find whether you are such as you make show for, else pray read the 2. of Peter, 2. and see whether you are not such as the Apostle mentions there? else St. Paul to the Galatians the 5. which if you read, you shall see the Apostle tell the Galatians the fruits of the Spirit, and the fruits of the flesh I desire you, and all those that hear on read this Book, to read those places of Scripture, that are here mentioned, which are too long to be written in this small Volum, there shall you find in your selves, whether you have the Spirit of God, or the spirit of divisions for if ye will not look into your own wayes, Gods Eye, which clearly sees what you are, will fhew to his people what difference there is between true zeal, and outward hypocrisie, for if any man seem to himself that he is somewhat when he is nothing, he decieveth himself in his own imagination, Gal 6.3. He