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Gods Eye from Heaven.

He that professeth himself to be Religious professeth he loves you to your face. but hang you behind your back; go to hear Sermons on purpose to pick a hole in the Ministers coat; in stead of relieving the poor, eat up the poor; ye hate drunkennesse, but love covetousnesse; that will not hear an oath, because you will be counted holy, yet wil not stick to tell a lye in your dealing, for your own benefit; that will give fair words in your buying & selling, when your thoughts pretend cousening and cheating, and so use Religion as many a man doth a fair sute to hide a foul skin. Our saviour descrbes the hypocrites by the Scribes and Pharisees; for just such were in his time: pray read the 23. of Mat. and you shal see, how near they come to the Pharisees of our times: too many such here in this Land there be but Gods Eye from heaven doth all their actions see. I must tell you, and you shall find, that the Eye of God is upon all the actions of men on earth, from the King to the beggar; He hathan