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As ſoon as they came up, and ſaw this fine ſight,
They ſaid, In this Bull, he may take delight;
The goldſmith that made it, ſure had crafty ſkill,
Come let us go down, ſince our minds are fulfill'd.
To ſtrike it, ſaid one, full reſolved I be;
The reſt had a mind, ſo they ſtruck it all three.
Thinking it was the Prince that gave 3 knocks there,
The beautiful Lady came forth, I declare!
Said they, We have waited to ſee the beſt ſight,
For in this baſe harlot the Prince takes delight;
Therefore ſhe ſhall die like a harlot ſo vain.
So they all diſputed how ſhe might be ſlain.
The firſt ſaid, I think it ſo to hang her with ſpeed.
The ſecond ſaid, No! we will drown her indeed.
The laſt of the three then this anſwer return'd,
If I had my mind, ſhe with ſpeed ſhould be burn'd!
The other two ſaid, No! that ſhall not be done.
So out at the window, where a river did run,
They toſſed her headlong!—She ſwam to a tree,
Where the lived three days, and no perſon could ſee.
A fine ſuit of clothes this Lady had on!
A maid went for water, and ſoon back did run.
Her maſter ſaid, what make your countenance change?
Sir, there is a ſign that is wonderous ſtrange!
The gentlemen ran with all ſpeed that might be,
Where he ſaw the Lady ſit upon the tree!
He went with a boat, and got her in his arms,
And was almoſt raviſh'd with her beauteous charms.
The gentleman to her theſe words did expreſs,
Lady, how came you to be in this diſreſs?
She told him her ſorrows from firſt to the laſt,
Saying, Now I know all my, ſorrows are paſt.
Fair Lady, Your ſorrows have not been few;
The Prince now is ſick, I ſuppoſe 'tis for you.
What! Is he come home, Sir? That well pleaſeth me.
In a few days his honoured bride I ſhall be.