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Take this diamond-ring, and go to him I pray,
The Prince will well know it, I dare to ſay.
Then into his chamber with ſpeed he did go,
Saying, What is the cauſe of your languiſhing ſo?

'Tis love is the cauſe of my anguiſh and pain,
A Lady I lov'd, but do fear ſhe is ſlain:
Therefore no phyſician my life now can ſave,
I'll follow my jewel with tears to the grave.

Then he held the diamond-ring ſtraight in his view,
Which made him to cry, Sir, Who gave that to you?
Dear Prince, the fair Lady is at my houſe now.
He ſtarted up, ſaying, I'm quite well, I vow!

So then to his mother with ſpeed he did go,
Saying, Some perſon has been in my chamber I know;
Then ſtraightway ſhe gave him account who they were.
The Prince ſent for them all, who came I declare,

And unto the Prince they for mercy did crave,
He ſaid, What you chus’d, you ſurley ſhall have;
One hang’d, one burn'd, and one drown’d ſhall be;
So this was the ſorrowful end of the three!

The Prince & his Princeſs with joy ſoon were crown'd;
The muſic did play, and the trumpets did ſound!
In triumph they were wedded, 'twas a joyful day!
Then, then was the time to waſh ſorrow away!

{{em}The next news ſhe heard, her old Father was dead;
And then of that country a Queen ſhe was made:
Then they had both nations to rule and defend,
And ſo let my tragical comedy end.