this sin, forebodes grent troubles and misfortunes, If you are in love, you will certainly fail in marrying the object of your wishes. If you have a law-suit, it will certainly go again- at you, by the treachery of those who pretended to be your friends. If you are in business some heavy loss will upper to you. Such a dream announce that you are in great danger of losing your liberty and if you are about to undertake A voyage, to see it for the present for you will neyer reach the destined part. To dream you are tempted to commit this crime, and that you resist it, is a happy omen, everything will flourish with you be sure it is a good time to begin trade after such a dream. If you have a law-suit all will go on in your favour, with credit to yoursell, and confusion to your opponents if you are about to undertake a long journey it will be pleasant and successful to your object if you are going to sea, you will have an agreeable voyage fine weather and a quick arrival at the port of destination if you are in love, press the object of your wishes, for they will be gratified.
APPAREL-Nothing more demonstrates the events that are about to happen you than dreaming of wearing apparel, but almost every colour has a different interpretation, and much depends on its appearing new or old, its fitting you, or being too big or too little. We shall here explain them according to their different qualification. To dream you are dressed in white, is sure token of success in the first object you undertake, and that you