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Page:Golden dreamer, or, Dreams interpreted.pdf/5

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will be successful in love, and that your sweet-heart is of a good temper and amiable disposition. To dream you are dressed in green, denotes that you are about undertake a journey to your advantage, and that your sweetheart prefers you to all other lovers. To dream you are dressed in black, is an unlucky omen; some quarrel is about to happen between you and a friend go relations wickness is about to attend you stid your family; death will deprive you of some tear friend or relation; law suits wille perplex and harass you -if you undertake a journey, it will be unsuccessful and contribute much to injure your health and fortune-it you are in love it denotes that your sweetheart is very unhappy. and that sickness will attend her.-if you are a farmer, you will be cheated by some knave and your drops will turn out indifferent; this rain will attack your cattle and some dreadful accident will happen by the overturn of some of your waggens,-if you are in business some one will arrest you, and you will have great difficulty in settling the matter. To dream you are dressed in blue, denotes happiness, you will shortly be invited to some banquet or merry making, when you will make some friends and be very happy, if you only avoid quarreling, which some enemy to your welfare will endeavour to excite you to do. your sweetheart is devoted by this colour to be very faithful to you, and will make you very happy and comfortable, you will have many children, chiefly boys who will turn out honest and good,-if you are in trade you will pres-