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Good Newes from New-England.

ſpeaking in our behalfe, and by flight eſcaped, looking oft backward, as if he ſuſpected them to be at hand. This he affirmed againe to the Gouernour, whereupon he gaue command that three peece of Ordnance ſhould bee made ready and diſcharged, to the end that if we were not out of hearing, we might returne thereat. Which we no ſooner heard, but wee repaired homeward with all conuenient ſpeed, arming our ſelues, and making all in readineſſe to fight. When wee entred the harbour, we ſaw the Towne likewiſe on their guard, whither we haſted with all conuenient ſpeed. The newes being made knowne vnto vs, Hobbamock ſaid flatly that it was falſe, aſſuring vs of Maſſaſſowats faithfulneſſe; howſoeuer he preſumed he would neuer haue vndertaken any ſuch act without his priuitie, himſelfe being a Pinſe, that is, one of his chiefeſt champions or men of valour, it being the manner amongſt them not to vndertake ſuch enterpriſes without the aduice and furtherance of men of that ranke. To this the Gouernour anſwered, hee ſhould be ſorry that any iuſt and neceſſary occaſions of warre ſhould ariſe betweene him and any the Sauages, but eſpecially Maſſaſſowat, not that hee feared him more than the reſt, but becauſe his loue more exceeded towards him than any. Whereunto Hobbamock replied, There was no cauſe wherefore hee ſhould diſtruſt him, and therefore ſhould doe well to continue his affections.

But to the end things might be made more manifeſt, the Gouernour cauſed Hobbamock to ſend his wife with all priuacie to Puckanokick the chiefe place of Maſſaſſowats residence, (pretending other occaſions) there to informe herſelfe, and ſo vs, of the right ſtate of things. When ſhee came thither, and ſaw all things quiet, and that no ſuch matter was or had beene intended, told Maſſaſſowat what had hapned at Plimoth, (by them called Patuxet) which when hee vnderſtood, he
