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Good Newes from New-England.

was much offended at the cariage of Tiſquantum, returning many thanks to the Gouernour for his good thoughts of him; and aſſuring him that according to their firſt Articles of peace, he would ſend word and giue warning when any such buſineſſe was towards.

Thus by degrees wee began to diſcouer Tiſquantum, whoſe ends were only to make himſelfe great in the eyes of this Country-men, by meanes of his neareneſſe and fauour with vs, not caring who fell ſo hee ſtood. In the generall, his courſe was to perſwade them hee could lead vs to peace or warre at his pleaſure, and would oft threaten the Indians, ſending them word in a priuate manner, wee were intended ſhortly to kill them, that thereby hee might get gifts to himſelfe to worke their peace, inſomuch as they had him in greater esteeme than many of their Sachims; yea they themſelues ſought to him, who promiſed them peace in reſpect of vs; yea and protection alſo, ſo as they would reſort to him. So that whereas diuers were wont to relie on Maſſaſſowat for protection, and reſort to his abode, now they began to leaue him, and ſeeke after Tiſquantum. Now though hee could not make good theſe his large promiſes, eſpecially becauſe of the continued peace betweene Maſſaſſowat and vs, he therefore raiſed this falſe alarum, hoping whileſt things were hot in the heat of bloud, to prouoke vs to march into his Country againſt him, whereby he hoped to kindle ſuch a flame as would not eaſily be quenched, and hoping if that blocke were once remoued, there were no other betweene him and honour; which he loued as his life, and preferred before his peace. For theſe and the like abuſes, the Gouernour ſharply reproued him, yet was hee ſo neceſſarie and profitable an inſtrument, as at that time wee could not miſſe him. But when wee vnderſtood his dealings, we certified all the Indians of our ignorance and innocencie therein, aſſuring
