- Abstain from impurity, 126.
- Abstinence, 49.
- Abode in me, truth has taken its, 163.
- Abodes of truth, 75
- Abolish all the lesser, 247.
- Abolished, omens, 173.
- About to pass away, 242.
- Absolution, 99.
- Abuse, the sermon on, 167
- According to their deeds, 212.
- Address, Buddha's farewell, 232.
- Adoration be to thee, 171.
- Aim, one, one essence, one law, 163.
- Aim, the one, Nirvāna, 164.
- Aim, the preacher's sole, 128.
- All creatures received the message in their own language, 55
- Alone, let a man walk, 102 (see also Solitary).
- Altercations, 100.
- Always in danger of death, 211
- Ambrosia, lake of, 118.
- Angels rejoice, 8.
- Anger, by love overcome, 137.
- Annihilation, 145, 146.
- Annihilation of egotism, 147.
- Annihilation, Simha's question concerning, 145.
- Another Buddha will arise, 245,
- Anxious to learn, must be, 234.
- Anxious to learn the truth, be, 126.
- Apoplexy, struck by, 191.
- Appearance of Bodhisatta, 25.
- Appearance, the glory of his, 212.
- Appeared, the saviour, 256.
- Appeased not by hatred, hatred, 102
- Are all paths saving paths? 139.
- Artisans, the chief of the, 201.
- Asceticism, 225.
- Ascetics, naked, 89.
- Ashes, 109.
- Assemblies of the Vajji, 220.
- Assemblies, various kinds of, 177.
- Assured of final salvation, 248.
- Astrology and forecasting by signs forbidden, 236.