Page:Gospel of Buddha.djvu/317

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  • Atman and the I, 32.
  • Atone for your evil deeds, you will have to, 200.
  • Atonement by blood, 152.
  • Audience, like unto the color of my, 177.
  • Avoid dying, not any means to, 211.
  • Bad deeds easy to do, 132.
  • Bamboo grove, 144.
  • Bathing in the Ganges, 14.
  • Battle of life, 149.
  • Battle, the elephant no longer fit for, 166.
  • Battles, fight your, 149.
  • Be married unto the truth, 205.
  • Be ye lamps unto yourselves, 134.
  • Beauty, to restore to you a nobler, 202.
  • Becoming, gradual, 138.
  • Bee collects nectar, the, 137.
  • Being, the purpose of, 255.
  • Beings, preach to all, 129.
  • Beneath, water gurgling, 193.
  • Best, truth is, 55.
  • Better bore out both eyes, 94,
  • Blessed One, has to suffer, the, 233; Blessed One, refuge in the, 150, 151, 160, 247; Blessed One swooned, the, 35; Blessed One walked unshod, the, 109, Blessed One, wearisome to the, 226.
  • Blind man, 17.
  • Blind men, 141.
  • Blind received sight, 8.
  • Blind, the man born, 181.
  • Blind, truth is hidden to the, 353.
  • Blind, your eyes are, 187.
  • Bliss be diffused, let the, 190.
  • Bliss, the communication of, 189,
  • Bliss where suffering is, 20.
  • Blood, atonement by, 152.
  • Blood has no cleansing power, 152.
  • Blood, shedding of, 33.
  • Blow, give the rock a good, 194,
  • Blow off the impurities, 137.
  • Body of flesh? Why preserve this, 242.
  • Body of the law, 160; the body of the law will endure, 242.
  • Body, the worldling nourishes his, 189.
  • Bonds that tie all souls together; 259.
  • Boons of Visākhā, eight, 95.
  • Brahma, 87, 139.
  • Brahman, 65, 139, 140, 141, 142, 152,153,154, 156, 157, 168, 186, 187, 188, 190,194, 195, 196, 206, 207, 208, 219, 220, 224.
  • Brahman lore, the substance of, 141.
  • Bridler of men's hearts, 226.
  • Bright, the sun is, 139.
  • Bright, thinkers are, 139; warriors are bright, 139.
  • Bubble, 39.
  • Buddhahood, omens of 8, 9, signs of Buddhahood, 8.
  • Burning, every thing is, 64.
  • Butterfly, like the, 237.
  • By deeds one becomes an outcast, 196
  • Calamities, ten great, 215.
  • Carp not, 126, 127.
  • Cart, as a worn out, 233.
  • Cast-off rags, 89, 91.
  • Caste, I ask not for, 196.
  • Cause of further migrations, 119.
  • Cause of selfhood, the, Found! 41.
  • Cease by hatred, hatred does not, 137.