Page:Gospel of Buddha.djvu/329

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  • Sacrifices, 33 ; sacrifices cannot save 159.
  • Sages questioned, the, 13.
  • Saint, a sinner can become a, 171.
  • Salvation alone in the truth 134; assured of final, 248; salvation the extinction of self, 4; work out your salvation, 137, 240.
  • Sameness and continuity, 157.
  • Sandy desert, a, 192.
  • Save, faith alone can, 113.
  • Saving paths? Are all paths, 139.
  • Saving power, incantations have no, 33.
  • Saviour of others, a, 163.
  • Saviour appeared, the, 156.
  • Saviour, truth the, 5.
  • Scepticism, 126.
  • Schism, the, 100.
  • Search of a thief, a party in, 206.
  • Season, flowers out of, 241.
  • Season, rainy, 58, 132.
  • Sect of Devadatta, 110.
  • Seed, faith is the, 195-
  • Seeing the highest religion, 138.
  • Seek thou the life that is of the mind, 153.
  • Self, 72; self an error, 67; self an illusion, 41, 67; self and the cause of troubles, 67; self and truth, 4, 41, 148; self begets selfishness, 5; cleaving to self, 158; complete surrender of self, 148; eradication of self, 147; self-extinction, 152; identity of self, 158; illusion of self, 67; pleasures of self in, heaven, 153; self is change, 158; self is death, 153, 160; self-mortification, 89; my self has become the truth, 163; reason as the helpmate of self, 256; rebirth without the transmigration of self, 33, 153, sacrifice of self, 152 the conquest of self, 149; the extinction of self, salvation, 4; the idea of self, 242; self, the maker, 73; the nature of self, 65; self, the veil of Māyā, 6; truth and self, 153; truth guards him who guards his self 132; thou clingest to self, 122; where is the identity of my self 155; compounds lack a self, 158.
  • Selfhood, the cause of, found, 40.
  • Selfhood, thirst for existence and, 39.
  • Selfish is my grief, 210.
  • Selfishness, self begets, 5.
  • Selfishness, surrender, 67.
  • Sense, moral, 97.
  • Senses and object, contact of, 66,
  • Sentence of expulsion, 100, 101.
  • Sentiency, truth vibrated through, 255.
  • Separation, combination subject to, 31.
  • Sermon on abuse, the, 167; the sermon on charity, 75-; sermon on fire, 64.
  • Serpent, rabbit rescued from the, 27 .
  • Seven kinds of wisdom, 97.
  • Sevenfold higher wisdom, 222.
  • Shaveling, 195.
  • Shedding of blood, 33.
  • Shine forth, let your light, 109.
  • Shines by night, the moon, 139.
  • Sick bhikkhu, the, 213.
  • Sickness fell upon him, 232, 237.
  • Sight, blind received, 8.
  • Sign of the right path, 143.
  • Signs forbidden, astrology and fore-